Kaffi Hljómalind


Laugavegur 23


Phone: 5171980
Website: http://www.kaffihljomalind.org/page/19573/

Description & offer

Kaffi Hljómalind speciality is it´s coffie and food. The coffie beans, Zapatisa coffie,  are of the highest quality and come from Chiapas in Mexico. There they are packed by a cooperative, sent to a cooperative coffie rousting company in Germany and then to us, a cooperative coffie house. The coffie and most of the food is certified fair trade and organic and Hljómalind aims at getting as much locally as possible.
Kaffi Hljómalind is open to everybody, also under 18 year, and has regular events, movie shows, art gallery, concerts every week, yoga etc, most are free of charge or cheap. Hljómalind also hosts a radical library, student art gallery and a social center open to everyone.
The place is based on the ideas of PROUT and is, as mentioned before, a cooperative.

Edited by



kleingeist 2009-09-27 17:53

Das BESTE Café der Welt! Super gemütlich, alle Kaffeespezialitäten auch mit Soja. Der Kaffee ist fairtrade und bio, die Gewinne werden soviel ich weiß komplett gespendet, außerdem befinden sich in Hinterzimmer und Keller die (wahrscheinlich) größte linke Bibliothek Islands, so wie Miniausstellungen mit diversen Exponaten lokaler Künstler.
Die Atmosphäre ist international und von derart angenehm , dass man sich wirklich krampfhaft davon abbringen muss, dort zu versacken.

vasadisko 2009-10-11 22:45

additionally Hljómalind is one of the places where you can gather the most and the newest information about the icelandic organization of SAVING ICELAND. just ask the stuff fpr it and what it is all about:
first information will you find on the web page: savingiceland.org

Supported by

Roots of Compassion


* * * * * (3 Votes)


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